Admission Portal
Activity Log
Core Modules
Students Index
Create Lead
Leads Index
Create WorkSpace Accounts
Welcome to Aquinas College Information System
Admission Portal
Finance Portal
Things to Do:
Students Section
Clean the Course Instances Table Data for OAE
Clean the Course_Instance_Student Table Data for OAE
Clean the CourseWork_GradeBook_Grade_Student Data for OAE
Validate the grades of RTA MAS programs
Write grading algorith for total points & weighted averages
Draw Distribution of Students' Grades & Performance.
Write the emails api call to extract google attendence reports
Make a list of students who exceeded their absence limit.
Make a list of students who did not pay their tution fees.(90 hours/ate lynn)
Bin students on their age groups.
Connect GDrive API to fetch student documents. (5 hours)
Insert the Sep 28 intake students. (12 hours)
Get rid of the student codes in the name field.(4 hours)
Ask Ash & Anna about any other descriptive indicators they require.
inject students data from admission sheets (78 Hours)
add the intake creation code (2 hours)
add the student pasword view (1/2 hour)
add the suspend student views (1/2 hour)
add the lead update views
add the student update views
add the timing transfer views
Intakes Section
Draw Pie chart of students in each program for the intake
Calculate courses calandar for each intake.
Get the intakes' calandar from academics
Draw courses pathes for intakes
Program Section
Draw Pie Chart of Intakes contributing to the program.
Calculate dropout rates for each program.
Marketers' Section
Connect marketers to students.
Calculate dropout rates for each marketer.
Catagorize marketers as main and sub marketers.